



By R. Redge. Summit University of Louisiana.

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Degener- ative tissue changes in the menisci, which may begin in adolescence, can lead to damage as a result of everyday activities in patients with- out a history of trauma or knee disease. Besides being a general antidote for poisons or rem- edy for gas, activated charcoal has been used to treat Charcoal should not be taken together with syrup of other conditions as well. The doctor will want to know if the patient or anyone in his fam- ily has had any of these conditions: any chronic disease, convul- sions or seizures, emotional problems, nervous system disease, dia- betes, high blood pressure, renal or liver disease, alcoholism, lung disease, heart disease. A complete vertical split of the whole sternum is one of the standard approaches to the heart and great vessels used in modern cardiac surgery. Researchers from Cornell-New York Hospital presented a paper at the BOOKS annual meeting of the American Neurological Associa- “Bacterial Diseases Caused by Spirochetes: Lyme Disease tion in October 2002 that identified nine patients with (Lyme Borreliosis). Sawaki L, Wu CW, Cohen LG (2004) Enhancement of use-dependent plasticity by peripheral nerve stimulation in patients with chronic stroke. For example, the 248 ✦ CHAPTER TWELVE Table 12•1 The Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones GLAND HORMONE PRINCIPAL FUNCTIONS Anterior pituitary GH (growth hormone) Promotes growth of all body tissues TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) Stimulates thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) Stimulates adrenal cortex to produce cortical hor- mones; aids in protecting body in stress situations (injury, pain) PRL (prolactin) Stimulates secretion of milk by mammary glands FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) Stimulates growth and hormone activity of ovarian follicles; stimulates growth of testes; promotes development of sperm cells LH (luteinizing hormone); ICSH (interstitial Causes development of corpus luteum at site of cell-stimulating hormone) in males ruptured ovarian follicle in female; stimulates secretion of testosterone in male Posterior pituitary ADH (antidiuretic hormone) Promotes reabsorption of water in kidney tubules; at high concentration stimulates constriction of blood vessels Oxytocin Causes contraction of uterine muscle; causes ejection of milk from mammary glands Thyroid Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine(T3) Increases metabolic rate, influencing both physical and mental activities; required for normal growth Calcitonin Decreases calcium level in blood Parathyroids Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Regulates exchange of calcium between blood and bones; increases calcium level in blood Adrenal medulla Epinephrine and norephinephrine Increases blood pressure and heart rate; activates cells influenced by sympathetic nervous system plus many not affected by sympathetic nerves Adrenal cortex Cortisol (95% of glucocorticoids) Aids in metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; active during stress Aldosterone (95% of mineralocorticoids) Aids in regulating electrolytes and water balance Sex hormones May influence secondary sexual characteristics Pancreatic islets Insulin Needed for transport of glucose into cells; required for cellular metabolism of foods, especially glucose; decreases blood sugar levels Glucagon Stimulates liver to release glucose, thereby increasing blood sugar levels Testes Testosterone Stimulates growth and development of sexual organs (testes, penis) plus development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as hair growth on body and face and deepening of voice; stimulates maturation of sperm cells Ovaries Estrogens (e. Myasthenia gravis is often diagnosed accurately by a careful medical history and a neuromuscular exam, but Thymectomy, or removal of the thymus gland, has several tests are used to confirm the diagnosis. Finally, because of cross-talk by the spinal cord-level segmental circuitry controlling autonomic and visceral functions, the local somatic findings of altered muscle length, tone and balance are frequently accompanied by segmentally related autonomic and visceral aberrations, completing the symptom complex of somatic dysfunction.

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